Nirgal's Logs

Mind Wandering - Conscious Exploration - NetAlchemy - Cyber-Shamanism - Semantic Healing

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Netention Personas : Development and Open Source University Needs and Cans

  • Netention Development Persona

  • Open Source University Persona

  • As the Graph view doesn't seem to handle actual data, i focused on CANS :

  • Then NEEDS : 

  • Then HUMAN (which actually represents all servers's personas) :

  • After adding lots of tags and making more semantic connections, the graph viewer has found a solution by separating the NEEDS from the CANS. This shows the NEEDS and CANS of the Open Source University Persona :

  • Open Source University Persona - Tags : Need, Can, Not :

  • Netention Development Persona - Tags : Need, Can, Not :


  1. Narrowcasting needs and cans is a more efficient network than broadcasting, I think. Knowing more about the recipient. A broadcast network has some value. Are there brokers? Who and how are connections made?

  2. The connections are made by meaning, and focusesn using RDF/OWL similar database structure.
    So any wikipage is unique in the database.
    Any person in the world saying "i CAN smile" will be instantly connected to those using the same tags which are in this case : "smile" wiki page + CAN tag.

    I'm not sure, but i think this system can work without brokers, or help brokers for their work, or make their work more humanist than profit-oriented...

    Basically, this could serve as a basis for an economic system based on P2P mutually agreed collaborations. Social contracts unique to the Selves and Contexts.
