The stigmergic system can be adapted to human behaviour when combined with semantics : Semantergic System. Semantic formula : stigmergy + semantics = semantergy
Semantergy = Sentient beings acting like ants, in a hive mindcomposed by individual minds which can be considered as quantum biocomputers (in terms of potentiality).
Individuals leave a meaningful trace in the environment (physical, virtual or conceptual...) that will inspire other individuals. Some will try to reproduce, others may be horrified... What matters in this case is the meaning we attach to our actions.
So basically, an ermit has more than a right to exist, he is the leaving proof of a way of living, and his existence in other's minds can have huge impact. With a subjective perspective, every individual (past, present or fictional) can represent a model, a set of values, etc... Individuals aggregate meanings unto their cognitive processes more or less consciously.
The semantergic context already exists, we live in. What's missing is tools to play with meanings. And maybe also a "Semantic I".
Also, what's missing is tools to helps individuals control their own meanings, and not be slaves of other's meanings like "money", "government", "laws", etc... All these social constructs are basically social contracts that have been signed something like a century ago at the very least, by individuals about which we can doubt about the underlying motivations of their actions... These structures seem REAL but are not, and once we'll have the tools to play consciously with the tissue, the womb of society, ideas, innovations, love/hate... Then, lots will be possible, because the Context seems to play an important part in One's Choices.
We need to find a semantic trick or something so that anyone can get that meanings are relative and not absolute...
We can also consider logics, decency, rethoric and lots of other cognitive tools or social rules as evolutionary dead ends as they are responsible of most of semantic frictions.
Also, i consider the meaning "Truth' the Mother of semantic dementia.
Along my wanderings, i met Raffael, a Semantic Alchemist and Co-Creator of Realities.
We happened to continuethe discussion started with Abdul, may Allah guide his Steps. (hope the semantics are contextually right :) ) [R] = Raffael You said :
"What if there was no Creation ?What if time is a Cycle relative to its Context ?Material World may have started with Selves struggling in a context...Spiritual Words may have started with the acknowledgement of both the Cycles (astrology, etc) and the Context (the Universe, God)... What about Co-Creating Spiritual Worlds ?"
Thank you for a new perspective on "united we stand, divided/seperated we fall" - it has been mis-used a lot in a narrow-minded (group-based/conflict-based, militaristic) context. However, seen from a higher perspective, it could read :"united [with ourselves as all-that-is] we stand [connected through love within the joy of life], separated [from ourselves as all-that-is] we fall [into despair as we feel isolated and can't derive a higher purpose of life]". [N] = Nirgal Thanks for the additions, this makes lots of sense. [R] How do you define spiritual worlds? [N] Well, at first it was only a willing to play with words. :) Then i had to find a meaning to it, and it made sense. This is the semantic alchemy formula i used :
Material World + Spiritual Words = Spiritual Worlds [R] What makes most sense to me is that creation is built on very few core principles such as those I mentioned in my poem : the Laws of Creation, to allow for most flexibility of co-creation for pretty much everything else - including any reflections in all realms whether perceived as physical or astral/spiritual.
The question is whether these rules apply to all-that-is, but answering with "yes" is what all re-ligious [meaning re-connection, same meaning as "yoga"] teachings point towards.
Especially if you consider that all-that-is IS all-that-is and so there is no-thing which does not exist.
If it were some-thing, it would exist within all-that-is?!
Nothing is no-thing - and the "undefineable" is the zero/source point from which every-thing is generated?
As I assume perceive everything to be consciousness, isn't there at least a cyclic relationship between the material and the astral/spiritual realm - and isn't this "ligne de démarcation" pretty arbitrary? [N] Well, i think that by material and spiritual i meant the potential of sentient being compared to what the beings we are composed of and/or affected by. What we are made of can affect us as well as we can make the choice to modify, train, or destroy it. The distinction i see is only about Choice, which happens with faster cycles with sentient consciousness and the ability to interact with self and the context, and modify both.
Ainsi, la ligne de démarcation réside dans le Choix, et le Contexte est le "monde matériel".
[R] Is what we commonly refer to as the material world not simply the "consensus reality" we have chosen to believe/trust in? [N] I think this is partly true, but will soon become our daily reality. It already is in a sense. We make our reality as we shape the world, and technology and engineering is mostly about accelerating the time between a Choice and a Result, as well as the scale and scope. Our Choices become more and more important as their impact and consequences become more tangible, mostly thanks to communication systems and protocols.
[R] As people start to believe/trust more in certain phenomena or beings, shouldn't they become more "tangible" automatically as their conscious intent allows them to emerge in their reality? [N] We already do that. Books and words and stories have carried realities along the ages, and made happen lots of things, because these stories became stronger each time they have been shared and told. What took thousands of years to happen on a global scale with words, took centuries with hand-written books, decades with printed books, years with press, hours with telegraph, instantly with radio andtelevision...
And with internet ? We are working together at a global scale, in real time. Anyone can already create any reality and share it with the world instantly. We'll just get better and better, and it's gonna get faster and faster. For those who want to live that reality.
Along my wanderings, i came to meet a man who praised Allah through the Prophet's Words. As my Belief was mostly about Doubting, i was uncomfortable at first sharing thoughts with someone using words such as "belief", "God", Truth... But soon enough Abdul opened an interesting Door in my belief system, and a semantic bridge between us. After a minor misunderstanding about his academic studies, i confessed to Abdul : "That doesn't matter to me at all, i see in you a splendid Co-Creator, and that's all that matter. I use the term Co-Creator, because i think it is more relevant as our creations are semantic alchemies of what our Selves have perceived, both internally and externally. Creation would be that first sound, that first word from which our Story unfolds. So we Co-Create, as We are the splendor of that image, and so we can Co-Create new Realities, I think this is what heavens are about. Realising our unity and the Sacred in every aspect of existence. Sharing these words with you is a miracle in so many aspects. We are already New-Born Gods, we shape the world, we shake its foundations, and still we learn, and we're going faster. The entire Universe plotted so that we can talk together, my Friend, my Brother. I feel already thankful and my heart is full of gratitude. Now it's up to us to give more to Life, more to the Universe, more to God. United, we stand, separated we fall." But a question remains :
Is "Creation" a memory of the first sound of the Universe, God or whatever ? Or is it a memory of our first sound, the first articulated Word ?
Could this memory of the first meaningful Word so deeply intricate with our semantic existence that we consider a "Creation" necessary for the Universe to exist ? Could it be our last Bias ? Our last misconception about Life and the Universe ? Our last shackles ? What if there was no Creation ? What if time is a Cycle relative to its Context ? Material World may have started with Selves struggling in a context... Spiritual Words may have started with the acknowledgement of both the Cycles (astrology, etc) and the Context (the Universe, God)... What about Co-Creating Spiritual Worlds ?
A new Volunteer has joined netention's effort and is working on a Netention Telephony Integration System (NTIS).
The alert should be played in netention as to cumulate communication ways. The user subscribes to alert types + communication types. Could be : Phone message, phone call, mail, wifi alarm clock, personal alarm/sensor.. Also, the alert should be a possible input in netention. I think the ideal is to incorporate as much options and possible steps in the system to facilitate cross-protocol communication and reduce communication friction.
Situation awareness/Crisis scenario
A girl walks alone in a dangerous place at night, the system has already warned her, as the place has been tagged as dangerous at night. She is then ready to press a multi-position button on her smartphone or personal alarm/sensor or whatever gadget. This button allows her to input in an instant the urgency of the danger and the felt quality of the danger (low to high). The signal is sent through all available channels (phone call, sms, mesh network, wifi, bluetooth...) and received by every "superhero" that is nearby. The system links the heroes together and suggests actions plans. While they get to the place and gather, they can communicate, organise, call backup through personal networks... Call that fast organised milices or what you want, i'd say it's only caring and social responsibility enhanced by technological means. The life of one is the responsibility of anyone who cares. Those who don't give a damn and want to avoid danger can still avoid that reality.
So, to make this work, almost every connection must be automated through netention. A good user-experience (and maybe technology in general), should aim at lowering the time between a choice and an action.
Technical Details
This system will utilize Asterisk 11 to send out voice calls and SMS alerts to the PSTN. NTIS will act as a separate entity from NetentionJS. NTIS will host a webserver that will utilize the Asynchronous Javascript Asterisk Manager so Netention will be able to send messages to Asterisk’s manager API (AMI) using simple http get and/or posts. This is a dynamic API that is definable by programming the Asterisk dialplan to interact with it as desired.
Ivan: so, they concluded that higgs bosson really exists Ivan: i don't understand why noone investigates a life phenomena moi: what do you mean ? how this relate to life ? i think it also relates to thougths ideas society that's what i try to explain with lots of words huhuhuh and without concluding anything Ivan: i have some theory about life like the brain is a sense that points to some shared new dimension of thoughts which we all share alltogether moi: yeah i think i see it the same nice words thx ...
Wikipedia Definition : Eye of Horus There are seven different hieroglyphs used to represent the eye, most commonly "ir.t" in Egyptian, which also has the meaning "to make or do" or "one who does".[5] In Egyptian myth the eye was not the passive organ of sight but more an agent of action, protection or wrath.
... Ivan: maybe we all go to unified mindscape when we die moi: i think we live in other's memories and thourgh their perceptions and actions like sometimes i feel the strenght of my grandad as if i was him same for some authors like nietzsche and many fictional characters so as long as we touch others we never die we are already immortal in a semantic sense and i find it more beautiful than any other explanation ...
... Ivan: so, where were we before we were born? moi: i don't know a potential depending on the context, the words and the selves that slowly build us at the start we're only potential created by love or hate or lust and that makes a part of us that we can always transcend by destroying and re-creating our selves at each instant ...
My Body and Mind are an Inner kingdom I can Build,
and Tools with which I can build the Real World.
And while writing my Inner Story,
i use my Hands to Write another Story.
...Ivan: may i ask U an unplesant question, I'm curious about something moi: sure you can ask me anything Ivan: where is life born? in prostata? moi: or tell me any thought huhuhu i have no clue why would it be un unpleasant question ? Ivan: i dunno, maybe for someone moi: ha i see well do you know that the ovula in the woman's womb can actually provide all chromosomes whereas the spermatozoid only provides half if he has less than 22 the ovula completes it i shared an article about that on gs list months ago so beautiful maybe that could partly answer your question Ivan: well, i'm stunned by the fact that noone didn't thoroughly investigated the most intrigable place in human body, the place where spermatozoids are created moi: yeah dunno maybe there are tons of stuff about it didn't dig that yet only remember old lessons and recent research articles Ivan: do spermatozoid have DNA? moi: yeah i think so every cell has dna that has lots of potentials any cell has the information of all the organism by i don't know if a spermatozoid contains the data for an entire organism like us or if it needs the ovula to have the complete data Ivan: there is some transformation in zigota (fertilized cell) like when frogs become frogs from that head-tail beings moi: ok Ivan: but that is in this life god knows what are other dimensions before and after life simply, i don't believe that all is chemistry and physics moi: yes seems unlikely there seems to be some magic Ivan: i feel like there is some unified consciousness, like a borg
... but lot of questions there moi: yeah no answers only seek and more questions Ivan: how it is created, what for moi: i think WE are the ones giving meaning to everything it's just there, in the air, we catch it and absorb it Ivan: maybe it created itself like math numbers that grow from zeroes and maybe rules are to be altered by thinking of all living beings moi: yeah choices at the cosmic level and at the inner level with introspection, each time we find a rule, we end up breaking and transcending it, so i think we will always move forward, as long as we don't crystallize our knowledge, and always question it...
Ivan: i had some experiences with inner world dealing with magic this summer moi: cool ! Ivan: i suspect now that magic helped einstain to discover e=mc2 moi: yeah, he wrote about that, how he got to his theories Ivan: i think that is why atomic consenquences are so ugly for living beings moi: nothing rational interesting how would you explain this ? cause it may also be a necessary ingredient of life Ivan: maybe it is about creation did U noticed that shamans and bioenergetic people don't have kids? like they are afraid of siam twins or something moi: Really ? interesting Ivan: just some patterns i recognized in my life, i'm not sure if it is true moi: i think that is more than worth considering Ivan: and this summer, when I dealt with strange things in and out my mind, when magic came in, I was scared to shit if I will have healthy kids moi: really ? i've seen magic as well but it's more like i'd like to make love with the universe for more magic to happen scared me to death when i was child especially the boundaries between the magic and what some call the "real world" now i love it and having fun with it but i had to go deep in trouble to find a balance i hope i can find healthier ways Ivan: some thing is happenning with drugs and magic moi: yeah
The pineal gland has been an object of great interest regarding consciousness for thousands of years, and a pineal source of DMT would help support a role for this enigmatic gland in unusual states of consciousness. Research at the University of Wisconsin has recently demonstrated the presence of the DMT-synthesizing enzyme as well as activity of the gene responsible for the enzyme in pineal (and retina). Our new data now establish that the enzyme actively produces DMT in the pineal.
Physicists have a problem, and they will be the first to admit it. The two mathematical frameworks that govern modern physics, quantum mechanics and general relativity, just don't play nicely together despite decades of attempts at unification. Eric Weinstein, a consultant at a New York City hedge fund with a background in mathematics and physics, says the solution is to find beauty before seeking truth.
“Today, nothing is more important to the future and credibility of science than liberation from the gravity-driven universe of prior theory. A mistaken supposition has not only prevented intelligent and sincere investigators from seeing what would otherwise be obvious, it has bred indifference to possibilities that could have inspired the sciences for decades.”
Semantic Focus on the "God Particle", the Higgs Boson
Wikipedia definition The Higgs boson or Higgs particle is an elementary particle initially theorised in 1964,[6][7] and tentatively confirmed to exist on 14 March 2013.[8] The discovery has been called "monumental"[9][10] because it appears to confirm the existence of the Higgs field,[11][12] which is pivotal to the Standard Model and other theories within particle physics. Some Needs, Cans, Nots expressed with Netention Demo : (These are tagged wikipedia pages)
Not Higgsless_model Color_charge Electric_charge Spin_(physics)
Can Mass_generation Mexican_hat_potential Boson Sensationalism Scalar_boson Physics_beyond_the_Standard_Model Electron Hadron
Wikipedia definition A deus ex machina (/ˈdeɪ.əsɛksˈmɑːkiːnə/ or /ˈdiːəsɛksˈmækɨnə/;[1]Latin: "god from the machine" pronounced [ˈdeus eks ˈmaː.kʰ]; plural: dei ex machina) is a plot device whereby a seemingly unsolvable problem is suddenly and abruptly resolved, with the contrived and unexpected intervention of some new event, character, ability, or object. Depending on how it is done, it can be intended to move the story forward when the writer has "painted himself into a corner" and sees no other way out, to surprise the audience, to bring a happy ending into the tale, or as a comedic device. Some Needs, Cans, Nots expressed with Netention Demo : (These are tagged wikipedia pages)
Need Semantic_mapper Multiplayer Non-lethal_weapon Electroshock_weapon Peace Transcendance Viral_phenomenon Network Love Empathy Ego_death Communication_protocol Information Plot_(narrative) Plot_device
Semantic Dementia ~ Wikipedia Definition Semantic dementia (SD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder characterized by loss of semantic memory in both the verbal and non-verbal domains. The most common presenting symptoms are in the verbal domain however (with loss of word meaning) and it is characterized as a primary progressive aphasia.
Semantic Dementia ~ Alternate Definition Semantic Dementia is an individual or collective lost of understanding of meanings, words become meanings that are hardly questioned. The most common presenting symptoms are the same than cognitive dissonance when words/meanings are questioned. Note : certain cultural layers may be the primary cause of semantic dementia, and a solution may reside in understanding these specific layers of meanings, values, products, services, ideologies...